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Follow Up Treatment



Once you have gone through a full health assessment you can now schedule a follow-up treatment. Your case is unique to you, so at the end of your first treatment you should have an understanding of how many treatments you are going to need. Each treatment builds from the previous treatment, you can never have treatments too close together, but you can have them too far apart. The important piece to remember when you come in for your follow-up treatments is to come in before symptoms begin to creep back up. We want to get you on a downgrade scale every time you come in rather than a constant fluctuation in patterns.

Follow-up treatments include any modality that will keep your progression moving forward. We always want to build from the previous treatment to continue the downward scale of how you’re currently feeling. All modalities that are used whether it’s moxabustion, cupping therapy, or anything else is all included and combined with acupuncture.

What do I need to do to prepare for my treatment?

Some Frequently asked Questions

How many treatments you will need to significantly feel and notice the difference is critical to the success of acupuncture. We generally say a full treatment course is anywhere from 6-12 treatments. the lesser being more acute conditions while the later is for chronic and stubborn conditions. The key is to have frequent treatments at the beginning and then gradually increase the duration between treatments so you are always in a downward slope towards feeling better. You can never have treatments too close together, but you can have them too far apart, putting a serious setback towards the progress you make.

In general acupuncture is very gentle and there is little to no side effects. On occasion you may experience some slight bruising from a point or may have markings from cupping. these should clear up within a few days. The most important thing is you will begin to feel better overall, sleep, mood, energy, digestion all becomes balanced and works optimally.

In general acupuncture is very gentle and there is little to no side effects. On occasion you may experience some slight bruising from a point or may have markings from cupping. these should clear up within a few days. The most important thing is you will begin to feel better overall, sleep, mood, energy, digestion all becomes balanced and works optimally.

Loose fitting and easy to move around clothing is best. Shorts and a T-shirt work very well as we can access the majority of points with this type of clothing. There is a restroom where you are more than welcome to change into or out of regular clothing.